Update on the Cedar Waxwings and the Mountain Ash.

A look at life in North Bend through the eyes of a local resident.

Jack Wallace, one of my favorite patrons, tells me that the birds

show up after the first frost. That’s when the berries start to ferment. The

birds like the alcohol! Maybe it acts like antifreeze. Jack also told me that

the Mountain Ash is called a Rowan tree in Scotland, and people make jelly

out of the berries. His father was fond of Rowan Jelly. I don’t know if it is

the exact same tree, but I wouldn’t want to take the berries away from

those birds.


The Mountain Man is just back from hunting, and he tells me that

eastern Washington from the Pass to Ellensburg is just as beautiful as

pictures he has seen of New England. So if you can’t afford Vermont this

year, try a drive to Cle Elum instead.


The Children’s Halloween Carnival will be held on Sunday,

October 31st at the North Bend Library

from 2-4 p.m. Come in costume, or just come. There will be games and

treats for the kids. This is geared toward the little ones, but it is fun for everyone

to see the kids all dressed up. You will also have the dubious pleasure of

seeing yours truly dressed as a chicken. A sight not to be missed!

First Tuesday Book Club is reading A Lesson Before Dying by

Earnest Gaines. This is the book all Seattle is reading this fall. The book

was chosen by the Washington Center for the Book. It will be interesting to

listen to discussion on a book many people are reading at the same time.

Copies are still available at the library.

Master Gardeners will be at the North Bend Library on Monday

November 1st. Bring in your problems and see if the Masters can help

you out.


There was a program on the Discovery Channel the other night

about Neanderthal Man. I was only half watching it, but some Scientific

Expert came on and said that they don’t think the Neanderthal had a

family structure. Instead the men all hung around together and only

occasionally visited the places where the women would be. Sounds like dating to

me. What do you think? Maybe they didn’t dance and buy the girls

drinks, but that’s a small difference. Maybe when they visited, they brought

animal pelts instead. Those Neanderthal women wouldn’t be the first to fall

for a man who could give them a fur coat!


Thought for the Week:” But fruits, not blossoms, form the

woodland wreath that circles Autumn’s

brow.” -Grahame. This quote is from the Country Diary of an Edwardian

Lady by Edith Holden. It is a most excellent book.

Please submit items for North Bend Nuggets to Pat Simpson at P.O.

Box 857, North Bend, WA 98045, or by e-mail to

patsimps@hotmail.com, or drop them by the library.