United community needs to take a stand

Letter to the Editor.

So DSHS has done it. North Bend’s Exit 38 is now on the top of the list for a level 3 sex offenders’ transition house. I, for one, am glad to see the community united on this issue. It has been a long time since we have experienced this kind of unity. But this isn’t just North Bend’s fight. It is a fight that involves the whole Snoqualmie Valley. It involves all of King County. Although it appears to be a localized issue, it isn’t.

The whole state needs to be on notice that Ron Sims is willing to sacrifice our community knowing the loss of votes here will be minimal compared to the loss he might experience from locating the SCTF at Orillia Road or Peasley Canyon or Harbor Island, where it should be located.

It is becoming apparent that Ron Sims will run for governor, a natural progression, in 2004. We need to send a message to Ron Sims and to DSHS. We need to all stand up and say “No – no level 3 sex offender house here!” We all need to stand up and say “No Ron Sims for governor!”

Support the SKTF and stand united at the public hearing on May 5.

Ken Hearing

North Bend

(Editor’s note: A public hearing sponsored by King County regarding the SCTF will be held at 7:15 p.m. on May 5 at Mount Si High School.)

For all this week’s letters, pick up a copy of the Valley Record