There is a meaning behind the name

Letter to the Editor

In response to Anita Florence’s letter to the editor [Jan. 18], I

have lived in this town for 35 years and I welcome any change that

is good to this town.

I have patronized this cute espresso bar and found the

name extremely catchy. It made me wonder if the coffee was

really “bad ass,” and what I found out was that it was very good

coffee and that there is a meaning behind the name that is printed

on the cups. It’s a story about the donkeys that hauled the

coffee out of the hills of Hawaii. I’ll let you go and find out the rest of

the story.

As a mother of a grown daughter who was also taught

appropriate language, I was surprised with what she had learned at school.

I also feel it is wrong to judge a book by its cover. Good luck

to Ken at Bad Ass Coffee Co.

Candy McKnight

North Bend