Thanks Snoqualmie Fire Department

Letter to the Editor

This is a long overdue letter of appreciation to the Snoqualmie

Fire Department and its staff. It’s also a public thank you note to my

neighbors, also long overdue.

On Aug. 25 Hank, my oldest son, broke the glass window on our

front door. Unfortunately, he broke it by putting his whole arm through it!

Glass was everywhere, Hank was yelling, I was yelling, our dog was stepping

on the broken glass pieces, and basically all hell broke loose.

That’s when my neighbors took over. Carol Abrahamson, next

door, proceeded to call 911 for me. Paul and Teri Schulz, two houses down,

heard the glass breaking and the “more than usual” yelling going on. Paul, also

a Snoqualmie fireman, proceeded to calm all of us down and

administered the beginning aid to Hank’s arm. Almost instantly, we had a fire truck,

the fire chief and a police officer at our door – thanks to Carol’s call.

We headed up to Valley View Medical where, as usual, everyone

was great! Hank ended up with seven stitches and a great scar to prove it

(as many of you have seen).


Tina O’Malie
