Strong words for Larry Phillips

Letter to the Editor.

It was hard to believe, King County Councilman Larry

Phillips scolding people in North Bend for NIMBYism, and the King

County Council for caving in to NIMBYism on the Three Forks Park decision.

Councilman Larry Phillips worked for years to pass a wastewater

treatment plan that will cost hundreds of millions of dollars that did not

need to be spent. Why? To please a few people in his district that did not

want more sewage treated at a plant in their area.

Councilman Larry Phillips is a champion of NIMBYism, in his

own district, but has the audacity to criticize others of NIMBYism. Some

old sayings come to mind, “The pot calling the kettle black,” “It takes one

to know one,” but the best description of what he had to say is hypocrisy.

