Start a new tradition during the holidays

Letter to the Editor.

This year, instead of hiking through our beautiful forests to cut down a Christmas tree, try buying a live tree from your local nursery (who could use the business at this time of year anyway). Then, as a new spring tradition with your family gathered around, you can plant it in your own back yard, or front, or side, etc. If you leave it outside until one week before Christmas, it will last through New Year’s, but then you should take it back outside. Once inside, make sure you place it in a spot that receives morning light, and give it plenty of water (this is only based on my measly experience).

You can also decorate it with lights for display outside until time to bring it in. One benefit – very few dry pine needles to sweep up over and over again. It also smells wonderful.

The only drawback is they are more expensive than those found at the local tree farmer’s, but you can also use the same tree two years in a row if you start out small and put it outside in your garden for a year. I suggest leaving it in the pot the first year like we did, and you get your money’s worth before you plant it.

Merry Christmas. Just a suggestion from a local tree-hugger.

Deb DuBois

North Bend