So, are we ‘tired’ yet?

Letter to the Editor

Arizona Sen. John McCain was asked some months ago when he thought America would end its military involvement in Iraq. His response was, “When the people get tired of paying for it.” He was talking about the people at the “grass roots” and that’s us in Snoqualmie Valley. Are you getting tired of it?

So far the personal out-of-pocket financial cost has been minimal to some for packages supporting the troops, etc. to zero to cover increases in taxes for all of us as the government has chosen to borrow the money to pay for the war. The emotional cost has been high for those with family and close friends serving tours in Iraq; spiking higher now with the first serious injury in battle to the son of a Valley family.

The impact on the rest of us to directly feel this cost has been minimal. We have been able to coolly weigh the cost in casualties against the imagined cost in lost national prestige and influence if we “don’t stay the course.” Besides, the president says we are winning. Or are we? Or are these cumulative “costs” totals with no end in sight adding up to “fed up?”

The political pressure is now ballooning to get our armies out of Iraq sooner rather than later or never. You may think you and I can’t affect the outcome of this national debate, but we can! Dave Reichert is our first term congressman. He wants to be re-elected in 2006 and his party wants him to succeed. He has demonstrated the capacity to oppose the administration on other issues important to the majority of voters in this district.

If you are tired of this war, the time is now to ask our congressman to firmly add his voice to those demanding a real commitment to withdrawal from Iraq.

Dave Olson

North Bend