Snoqualmie moms speak up for Matt

Letter to the Editor

Don’t know who to cast your vote for for the next Snoqualmie mayor? Then just check out the wave of signs residents have posted in support of Matt Larson. These are longtime residents who reside in Snoqualmie and know the political history and the challenges that lie ahead.

Creating a fiscally sound budget will be a major undertaking for the next mayor of Snoqualmie. Matt Larson, who has been a city councilman since 2001, has a proven track record of thoroughly researching the issues and approaching them in a fair, professional and fiscally responsible manner.

Your voices will be heard with Matt as mayor. As a city councilman, Matt is extremely accessible and takes time to listen to residents. As mayor, we know Matt will have the knowledge, experience and proactive leadership required to maintain a high quality of life for you and your family.

Continue to make this a great city; vote Matt for mayor.

Moms of families supporting Matt: Kristen Armour, Joanne Bastian, Gina Brodie, Melanie Caputo, Maria Carlson, Cindy Fortenberry, Tammy Frederick, Julie Hanners, Shannon Hathaway, Maria Henriksen, Wendy Holloway, Christen Jeans, Theresa Johns, Leslie Kutz, Pia Larson, Joan Lutz, Joan Mentanski, Elizabeth Miney, Yuko Paya, Patty Pecora, Kelly Saunders, Maggie Schnepf, Carmen Scott and Sharon Stai
