Smarter decisions needed

Letter to the Editor.

Most americans surveyed are not in favor of drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Recently federal inspectors found BP’s Prudhoe Bay operations to be understaffed and not properly maintained with a third of the shutoff valves not working. Employees pointed out leaking valves, potentially explosive, which would spew thousands of barrels of hot oil across the tundra. We know better than to take unnecessary risks over an estimated one year’s worth of petrol – (i.e. the Exxon Valdez).

But we recently allowed development of acres of Fall City-area wetland (which were wonderful in their own right) to produce a sterile “toxic carpet” – another golf course for our pleasure. I witnessed the myriad of double-dump trucks with their fill dirt. I observed the worker spraying with the large, pump-up sprayer who had to don a gas mask. And I saw the herons, ducks, hawks and fish “vanish.”

We’re smart people.

We can make better land-use decisions.

Councilman Dave Irons, hear our prayer.

Ralph Westermann

Fall City