Si View invites residents in for a look-see

Guest Columnist

“I love the new colors,” or “It feels so clean.” These are the types of comments we are hearing around the Si View Community Center and pool since completing a recent “makeover.”

After years of deferred maintenance, the Si View Metropolitan Park District has been focusing on the basics: maintaining our facilities and providing quality recreation programs. Now it’s time to focus on getting better. In order to provide our community with better facilities and better programs, we need your help.

Recently, over 2,000 professionally prepared surveys were randomly mailed to homes throughout our district. We need to hear back from you. Your voice is vitally important to our plans for an even better Si View! If you received a survey, please take a few moments to complete and return it. The results of the survey will be a strong beacon in guiding the formulation of our comprehensive plan, which will set and define the future of the Si View Metropolitan Park District and the Si View Community Center park and pool.

Faced with a boarded-up, historic building in the heart of North Bend, our community overwhelmingly approved the formation of the Si View Metropolitan Park District in February 2003, saving the Si View Community Center and pool from indefinite closure. The North Bend community entered virtually uncharted waters by forming a new Metropolitan Park District, leading a growing trend in the state of Washington to protect and fund parks and recreation. We are pleased that our new district has become a model for other communities who are forming metropolitan park districts.

Programs continue to expand, class participation is increasing, swim lessons are in full swing and rentals are on the rise. We are all very pleased with the progress thus far and appreciate the strong community support.

The survey represents a critical next step in establishing the priorities for the future of parks and recreation facilities, programs and services within our community. Key elements of the survey include questions relating to overall district performance, an opportunity to prioritize capital projects including a possible renovation of the Si View pool and questions relating to the need for future parks and recreation facilities in our community. The time you invest in completing the survey will help us in taking a resident-driven approach in the development of our comprehensive plan.

If you did not receive the survey, there are other opportunities for your opinion to be heard. Please visit our Web site at, e-mail us at, call (425) 831-1900 or stop by our office at 400 S.E. Orchard Drive in North Bend. Our office hours are Mondays through Fridays from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Please join us at Si View for an activity, a class, a special event … or just stop by, poke your head in and check out the newly painted community center and the recently renovated Si View pool. We’re sure you’ll be pleased with the improvements!

Susan W. Kelly and

Kevin Haggerty

Si View Metropolitan

Park District Board of

Commissioner’s president and past president

North Bend

Commission meetings are open public meetings. The commission meets at 7:30 p.m. the first three Wednesdays of the month at the Si View Community Center. You are welcome to attend and give us your feedback during the public comment period of the meeting.