
Please tell me that North Bend is not considering yet another failed roundabout? These roundabouts do not work.

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Please tell me that North Bend is not considering yet another failed roundabout? These roundabouts do not work. Have you ever sat out there at Exit 31 and watched what happens when people go through them? It’s total chaos. No one slows down, everyone rushes through them as fast as they can, and that signage out at the off-ramp is a joke. It looks like a jigsaw puzzle, and it doesn’t matter anyway because no one stays in their lane… including me!

Roundabouts are from Europe, and they belong in Europe, not in North Bend. Roundabouts are a joke. Please tell me you’re not considering yet another failed roundabout in North Bend.

By the way, there was never a “traffic problem” at Exit 31 before. So why did the DOT think there was a need to change anything? Job security?

Brian Murphy

North Bend