Resident impressed with Harrelson

Letter to the Editor

Greg Harrelson will get my vote for mayor of Snoqualmie when we go to the polls Nov. 8. Why? In my view, he is the right man at the right time to guide the future of our city.

For one thing, the eventual ending of the revenue stream associated with development of the Ridge neighborhood requires someone with a strong financial background at the helm. Greg, in his career path with Microsoft, has managed teams responsible for revenues in excess of $250 million – much larger than Snoqualmie’s budget.

For another, Greg is currently training senior managers on leadership, communications and software development methodology – skills that are essential to provide guidance to city staff and personnel, particularly at this time when the need for our own police department is being questioned.

Greg has stated that as mayor, his top priority will be to continue to provide our local police and fire services to the city of Snoqualmie. I have been a resident of Snoqualmie for 65 years and have seen many changes over those years. None as dramatic as the explosive growth that has occurred in less than a decade, and the “two cities” mind set that now afflicts some of our citizens. For me, it is crucial that we work hard at erasing that mind set, and at maintaining our existing police and fire services.

Greg Harrelson has clearly stated his position on these and other vital issues. I am impressed by his qualifications, his values and his ideas.

He has my vote.

Gloria McNeely
