Recount appropriate, even vital

Letter to the Editor

I read Jim McKiernan’s whining about Christine Gregoire’s whining about election results and recounts and thought it only appropriate to add my own whining.

It is appropriate for Ms. Gregoire to seek as many recounts as she sees fit and can pay for. In an election in such a populous state that is decided by so few votes, it is paramount to be sure that the real winner triumphs. In the current recount the ballots discovered as not originally counted are more than 300 percent of the number that decided the election in the first place. Only thoroughness is enough in so close a race.

We all should be demanding this. The very underpinnings of our representative system rest on accurately counted elections. As a matter of fact, I challenge anyone who disagrees with Ms. Gregoire’s recount or my opinion to read “The Best Democracy Money Can Buy.” They’ll discover an excellently researched and thoroughly documented account of why those who occupy the most powerful office in the world might not have ever legitimately deserved it.

Without accurate and fair elections, the difference between the wonderful U.S.A. and Iraq is only longitude.

Dave Eiffert
