Questions for Riverview

Letter to the Editor.

Here we go again. For the sixth time the Riverview School District is trying to push on the taxpayers another lemon. This time they have reached an all-time low, using unsuspecting children as pawns in their game by passing out propaganda at the middle school to 12- and 13-year-olds.

They are dancing around and misleading the public on this bond issue. Each flyer floating around has different figures on what your real tax bill will be over the next 20 years. They have spent $25,000 this time alone to run this bond with Riverview Schools Committee spending thousands in solicited money in an effort to buy your vote.

Where is the baseball field in this bond? There is none. What about the $90,000 grant they received for a baseball field? It had to be returned. Why?

Why is the price for a field $3.2 million when a modest field could be built for $300,000, which would include a baseball diamond?

Why has the district never repaired the track at Tolt? They will have to do it sometime to continue physical education at the middle school. If they had upgraded the track at Tolt, then the Cedarcrest track team would not have to go to Woodinville to practice. Where is the activity bus that this district has had in the past?

Why was the Cedarcrest roof left to leak for so many years, getting worse with each passing year?

Parents and taxpayers, if you are looking for answers to these and other questions, do what I did: Log on to Save your money for more M&AMPO levies and new school buildings.

Vote no on May 15.

Jacci Heuberger
