Public Notice has been overlooked

Letter to the Editor.

Public notice of the Snoqualmie Planning Commission’s Special

Meeting regarding Falls Crossing has been overlooked by the city and the


I called the city offices Monday and was informed the next

meeting would be scheduled for Tuesday, Dec. 14, at the Police Station on the

Ridge. No notice for the public was in this week’s paper, nor was it posted

outside the city offices, nor on the Web page agenda, nor at the post office.

It is imperative that the public knows when these meetings are

scheduled. I have suggested that the city delay all meetings until after the

New Year, since this is an issue of concern to all citizens. The citizens and

business owners should be able to put their attention to the holiday season

rather than trying to track down when and where unposted meetings will be


Falls Crossing is an issue that effects our local citizens and the state

as a whole. The lack of information has been unacceptable. Ninety-nine

percent of the people are not even aware of the proposed development.

The Washington State Historic Preservation Officer, Allyson Brooks, is

highly concerned about the lack of public information to date on a site so

important to our state.

More must be written and all meetings must be in each paper. The

Valley Record is the official voice of the Valley.

Linda Nelson
