Polar bear swim cancelled

A look at Snoqualmie life through the eyes of a local.

Now that we have survived the holidays, it is time to get back into

the habit of the regular five-day workweeks. I always find that hard to do.

I hope everyone has started out the year in a good way and that the year

2000 finds you healthy and happy.


I have decided that Sparky is living in the twilight zone and is

taking me with him. He is acting very bizarre and I am not getting any sleep at

night. I seem to spend half the night fighting with him. He keeps wanting to be

an undercover kitty, but if I turn my back on him, he claws me then proceeds

to crawl over me to the other side and paws at me to lift the covers so he

can get under again. And back and forth we go all night.


I just love Dalmatian dogs and was looking at a book at the library

about them. I have often wondered how they came to be firedogs. Before cars,

fire wagons were the only way to get firefighters and their supplies to a

fire. The fastest horses were chosen to pull the wagons. Firefighters in

London were the first to discover that Dalmatians were the perfect companions

for them and their horses. They ran ahead of the horses to clear the way for

the fire wagon. The dogs and the horses made the fire stations a very

popular place for kids to visit, and to this day, kids like visiting fire stations.


“If you’re a laughing parent, your children will be laughing children

who marry laughing spouses.”


We were not able to do our polar bear swim scheduled for

Christmas day. The weather was a horrible 40 degrees. I still wanted to do it and

was trying to talk my nephew into it, but everyone said they didn’t want

to come rescue us if the cold water was too much for us and we went

into shock or something.


Did you know you could buy gift certificates at the Town Pump for

gas? I never knew that, but Mom and Dad got me some gift certificates for

gas for Christmas. What a great present!


I watched an excellent video the other night that I had checked out

at the library called “Rose White.” It’s about a Polish family and how

they were separated. Some who were sent to Nazi camps were reunited later.

It was a very good movie and I highly recommend it.

Please submit items for the Snoqualmie News Notes to

Donna, P.O. Box 604,

Snoqualmie, WA 98065

or e-mail Ballou1@earthlink. net.