Please attend Treemont appeal hearing

Letter to the Editor.

There will be a Treemont Development Appeal Hearing on

Monday, June 5, at 9:30 a.m. at the King County Courthouse, 10th Floor, King

County Council Chambers, in Seattle at Fourth and James.

Citizens that oppose the 194-home development planned for Fall City

are encouraged to attend this hearing to show their support. This is not a

public testimony hearing. The King County Council will be making a

decision on whether further studies need to be made, whether to grant the

developer the 194-lot approval, whether to request fewer lots, etc.

This meeting will affect your future in regards to traffic, housing

density, school crowding, environmental impacts, Patterson Creek,

Snoqualmie River, etc.

Please show your support by attending. The turnout at the first

meeting had tremendous impact on the King County Council. It sent the

message that Fall City cares deeply about our rural character and our


Call with questions _ Cindy at (425) 222-5333, evenings; or Bob

at (425) 222-6311, evenings.

Cindy Parks

Fall City