Please, anyone but Brunell

Letter to the Editor

Enough already with Don Brunell. I have endured his miasma of disinformation on a wide variety of topics ranging from public education to unemployment, but [last] week’s misinformed rhetoric about oil consumption and environmentalists disguised as the down home ramblings of a regular guy who just wants to make chicken metaphors is more than I can bear. Let’s ask ourselves (and perhaps Don), how much does your vehicle weigh? Do you really need that king cab with the 450 capacity? Do you think your Hummer is cool? How may jet skis do you own? How many TV’s? On and on it goes. It time to focus on overconsumption as the issue, because that is the issue. Don Brunell is clearly a narrow-minded, business bought, disseminator of misinformation. Is there some reason I have to read him each week or could we at least have a little variety?

Kit McCormick
