On-site track would be safer

Letter to the Editor.

Our son has competed on the Cedarcrest track team for the past four years. He has benefited from a great coaching staff. He has practiced at facilities from Woodinville to Interlake during these four years. He will never have the memory of experiencing a home track meet.

As a freshmen, he bummed rides with upper-class students to practice. As a sophomore, having just received his license, we were more comfortable with him driving than riding with other teen-agers. He was involved in an accident on the way to track practice in Woodinville. Fortunately, no one was hurt. Unfortunately, we pay over $500 more per year for his car insurance as a result of that accident.

Our daughter is an eighth-grader at Tolt Middle School and runs track. She wants to participate on the Cedarcrest track team next year. She will also have to bum rides from upper-class team members. However, a new and appropriate state law will be in effect, which will limit new drivers from carrying minor passengers during the first six months they have a license.

Will our daughter be able to find a ride? Will she also get into an accident driving to practice in Woodinville when she gets her license? Only the taxpayers of the Riverview School District can determine that on May 15. For an additional $2.50 per year, we will be voting to provide our daughter with an on-campus track facility, dry classrooms and a properly outfitted performing-arts center.

Dave and Jeann Hunter
