More to losing than meets the eye

Letter to the Editor.

My heart swells with pride for the United States when I see our medal count in the 2002 Olympics. It is easy to shine in the spotlight of victory. However, the true character of a hero shines even in defeat.

Apolo Anton Ohno is the hero of the 2002 Olympics. When he was injured, then disqualified and then lost his last chance for a last medal, he didn’t pout and throw the flag on the ice. He didn’t cry like a spoiled baby and blame the referees and the judges and say that he was being discriminated against. He took the valleys as well as the summits of life like a man. With this kind of attitude, his life will be a tremendous success.

I am very happy for his medals that he won, but I am more appreciative for the ones that he lost. I am proud to have him as a representative of our nation. Apolo Anton Ohno, I salute you.

Dee Wayne Williamson

North Bend