Mayor jumped the gun on council ward system

Letter to the Editor.

Imagine my surprise when while reading the front page of the Valley Record (May 30), I came across an article that implies the ward or district system is a deal in the works for Snoqualmie.

What hogwash. The existing City Council members have not received any documents outlining this. As I recall, at the first council meeting of the year Mr. Yanez appeared at the podium and spoke to the council about his desire for the council to consider a ward system. Since that time, no additional discussions during the council meetings were raised. Upon speaking with two council members, they acknowledged no document has been presented publicly or privately.

I believe the best interest of the whole city is best served when the citizens of Snoqualmie choose. The mayor is not a majority voice for the citizens. He is not in office because we want to hear his opinion. He is in office because the citizens believed he would be impartial and fair. Interviewing with the Valley Record about a proposed ward system one citizen of Snoqualmie raised back in January is not acting impartially, especially when the existing Snoqualmie City Council has not been informed of these intentions, which they ultimately need to vote on.

Myra Payne
