Lunar cycle influences elk activity

Letter to the Editor

With all due respect to Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) “district wildlife biologist” Lee Kantar (“Neighbors report increased sightings of elk on roadways,” Valley Record, Oct. 6, 2004), my lifelong observation of wild critters is that the activity of many is geared to the lunar cycle.

Note that most of the roadside “kill” is evident during the days following the few nights before, during and after the full moon. The fact is that these critters are active when they feed (Duh!) and that occurs about every 12 hours, again pretty much depending on the “moon.”

Elsewhere in the “Valley Record” news, specifically the letters page, we have a Snoqualmie reader who accuses President Bush of repeating lies in the hopes that if told often enough, the people will believe. He then puts words into the president’s mouth that the president never uttered!

A Carnation reader does a pretty good job of “word-smithing” a DNC (Democrat National Committee) suggested “letters to the editor” letter format saying that, essentially, “before the debate I was blind, but since the debate I can now see and Kerry is the choice for me.” Pathetic, to say the least. He suggests Kerry was revealed to him as a “statesman.” Ha!

I recall back when I was newly promoted from the PacTel&Tel grunt ranks to management. We were all indoctrinated, or some would say “polished.” It was also referred to as “Charm School.” The prevailing joke was that all we really learned was when to respond with “Wonnnderfullll” instead of “Bullsh*.”

Personally, I’ll take a plain-talking cowboy over a “nuanced” statesman any day of the week and twice on Sundays.

George Crotts

North Bend