Letters: A major honor for Mount Si’s Joe Dockery

At the March 31 weekend’s Key Club District Convention at the Doubletree Inn, SeaTac, Joe Dockery was named the Key Club Faculty Advisor of the Year. Joe is a video production/website design instructor at Mount Si High School. This is no small accomplishment. The Pacific Northwest District spans a wide area, including Northern California, Oregon, Washington, British Columbia, and Alaska.

At the March 31 weekend’s Key Club District Convention at the Doubletree Inn, SeaTac, Joe Dockery was named the Key Club Faculty Advisor of the Year. Joe is a video production/website design instructor at Mount Si High School.

This is no small accomplishment. The Pacific Northwest District spans a wide area, including Northern California, Oregon, Washington, British Columbia, and Alaska. There are more than 1,000 Key Clubs in high schools within this District.  The district convention brought 1,600 high school students to SeaTac to learn how to promote better community service within their schools and communities, and leadership is a high priority for the weekend.  Among the many activities presented, awards were given to many students for their activities and accomplishments, yet only one faculty advisor was mentioned: Joe Dockery.  Present to watch the recognition were 23 Mount Si Key Clubbers, who represented one of the larger Key Clubs at the convention.

That Joe is an exceptional teacher and advisor is actually not surprising to those who know of him.  He has already had many honors bestowed upon him:  KCTS Golden Apple Award, Seattle Times Teacher of the Year, Radio Shack National Technology Teacher of the Year, and several other major awards.  He was primary contributor to the development of the Mount Si portfolio system, and regularly teaches seminars at national conferences to the benefit of hundreds of other educators.

Dave Humphrey

Kiwanis Advisor to the Mount Si Key Club

North Bend