Letter to anti-war protesters

Letter to the Editor

Since the beginning of our great nation, there have been those who have stood in opposition to aggressive attempts at expanding the boundaries of reedom. Without freedom, there can be no true happiness. Remember the statement “pursuit of happiness”? If the world as a whole is not free from torture, injustice and terrorism, then America will never experience the full capacity of freedom that our forefathers intended.

Unfortunately, freedom has always had a price. I am thankful there are young men and women who believe enough to take their actions beyond a pencil or idle words and carry out what is necessary so all may pursue life in the fullest sense of freedom.

One of the biggest weapons of mass destruction has been removed – Saddam Hussein. He destroyed people in the most inhumane way. He was part of the “spirit” of anti-freedom that is being wiped out from this planet. I am so thankful for that.

It is said that America can’t save the world. I would rather go down knowing we tried than to sit on a corner bashing those who fight for justice in the purest sense of the world.

Who likes war? That is not why we support our troops. We support our troops because brave men and women have to take action or evil rules.

Lest you think I am just a spouting citizen, I have a son in Iraq. He believes in what he is doing so I believe in him! He is seeing firsthand how sacrifice can make a difference. He is loving Iraqi children who have been raised to hate America and someday will teach their children that America cares. He is transforming a generation now that will make the world better for my grandchildren.

I am thankful you have the freedom to express your views. Maybe someday you will realize the price that was paid so that you could have the freedom to do so. It is a freedom that needs to be maintained or, slowly but surely, we will once again become like the very captives we have set free.

Sharon Hockenbury

North Bend