Letter: Softball tryouts were big disappointment

I am writing this letter pertaining to the girls softball tryouts at Mount Si High School. I feel it should help next year's group of girls, also.

I am writing this letter pertaining to the girls softball tryouts at Mount Si High School. I feel it should help next year’s group of girls, also.

My granddaughter left a well-known high school after the first semester last year to move to the Snoqualmie Valley. She is living with us, along with two brothers and a sister while their mother searches for a home here.

She was happy that tryouts for the team were coming up. On Feb. 29, the first day of tryouts, she was told she needed a physical first. On March 1, she wanted to try out for the catcher position and was told she needed her own equipment — couldn’t show her talent behind the plate. On March 2, she did great in tryouts.

Like many other girls, she’s been playing ball since she was 4 years old. This was the first year she couldn’t play.

I’ve played and been to many baseball and softball games and there have always been extra helmets, bats and catcher’s equipment. Why wasn’t it there during tryouts?

Where did the Snoqualmie Valley School bond of $244 million go? It was approved in 2015. There were about 70 things on the list other than construction. There has got to be some money that goes to the athletic department, right?

Let’s not make any student who wants to try out for any sport think it was them, when actually, I blame the school district.

Stephanie Adams

North Bend