Larson is furthest thing from elitist

Letter to the Editor.

I found the letters to the editor extremely interesting in this week’s [Nov.1 ] paper. I thought it was great to see people write about the strengths of the candidates they are going to vote for. It is terrific to see our local citizens care about the process here in Snoqualmie.

What turned me off, however, was the letter from the gentleman who resides in England. How can he possibly offer a credible opinion of Matt Larson? What it tells me is that the candidate he is supporting (but can’t vote for) is using him to slander her opponent. I am very disappointed that those running for office here in Snoqualmie would resort to that kind of tactic. Matt Larson is the furthest thing from an elitist that I have met. He is articulate, hard-working and he cares about our community.

I know if you choose to print this letter the election will be over with. I just hope that whomever is elected to our City Council has the courage to lead, listen and question the status quo. I hope they will not merely be a rubber stamp for the past, but can truly envision our future.