Keep Indoor Playground as it is

Letter to the Editor.

I am deeply concerned about possible changes to one of the Valley’s true assets for families, the Indoor Playground. I have been informed that many of the new board members are seriously considering making changes to the “guidelines” of the playground. These guidelines have been in place for close to 10 years and have worked successfully, with rare exceptions, for the entire time.

One of the possible changes would be to restrict the age limit to 0-5, completely excluding afternoon kindergartners who turn 6 during the school year. Anyone who has an afternoon kindergartner knows these children need to burn off energy as much as possible in the mornings in order to sit still and engage in learning in the afternoons.

My children and I have benefited from the use of the Indoor Playground for seven years. The lasting relationships that were formed there could not be made anywhere else. We live in a gorgeous area, but unfortunately our weather is not suitable for outdoor play, including meeting new friends, much of the year. The perfect and only alternative to that is the Indoor Playground.

I implore the current board members to consider the enormous impact their decisions will have on families in the Valley. With power comes responsibility and accountability to everyone effected.

Lynnae Bridges

North Bend