Here’s hoping ATV riders get the message

Letter to the Editor.

Your article “Off-road vehicles spoil natural area” (Valley Record Thursday, Dec. 18) was appreciated by everyone who hikes, bikes and rides the established trails in the Mount Si Natural Resources Conservation Area. The owners/riders of ATVs know its not courteous, vandalizing and illegal to operate their vehicles in the Mount Si/Teneriffe area. One can only hope they finally get the message and take their cars to areas where their use is acceptable.

It should be noted that Mount Si is not a park, but a conservation area where the primary objective is to protect the natural ecosystem, largely accomplished by low-impact public use. The state has had many successes protecting scenic natural areas. DNR wants to build on that record, but it isn’t easy in a time of budgetary shortages to cover the cost of rangers and sufficient law enforcement staff. Community cooperation and assistance in educating the public are the tools to achieve continuing success. It’s a matter of all of us who live here doing our part – however we can.

Dave Olson

Volunteer site

steward, Mount Si NRCA

North Bend