Growth management the culprit

Letter to the Editor.

The sardined-cities/pristine-countryside growth management

advocates must have jump-clicked their heels in glee when the National Marine

Fisheries Service (NMFS) told this state to drop Interstate 405 expansion

plans due to potential fish harm.

NMFS spokesman Brian Gorman’s comment about

growth causing serious problems unless handled “in a green way” ties in

beautifully with the non-profit advocacy Washington Public Interest

Research Group’s recent report stating that road construction causes

urban/suburban sprawl. However, growth management itself in King County has resulted

in that sprawl. Sky-high prices for the single-family homes desired by

those with children are caused by extreme growth-management

environmental regulations (which are becoming more extreme under NMFS) and by

growth management’s manipulation of land supply, which does not meet the

housing demand. Consequently we have ever more traffic congestion as

people drive to far-out, cheaper areas unserved by public transportation.

Another growth management shortcoming is not recognized

by those county officials who brag about the explosive job growth here.

While housing goals are unmet, jobs have far exceeded their goal, which is

the equivalent of placing pots of honey where there are no bee hives.

Growth management is too politically correct in this politically

powerful Puget Sound area to be significantly modified. But never think

that growth management is a success for the large population segment

unable to afford the home of their choice in King County.

Maxine Keesling
