First charity golf tournament a success

Letter to the Editor

To all the friends, family and businesses that came out to the Carnation Golf Course on Sept. 8 to help fight primary pulmonary hypertension (PPH), thank you, thank you, thank you for supporting the first annual Marta Connell Golf Tournament.

PPH is a very rare disease that attacks only two in 1 million people. It is terminal and most people live only four to 10 years after diagnosis.

The tournament was very successful; more than $8,500 was raised, which will go to the Virginia Mason PPH Foundation.

Businesses and groups that helped and deserve the support of the community are: Simply Grand, Carnation Ace Hardware, PK Variety Store, Carla at the Carnation Star Bucks, MTM Mtg., Grace and Bill at Carnation’s Ixtapa Mexican Restaurant, Blakes Pizzeria, the Carnation Golf Course, the Mount Si Golf Course, the Dairy Freeze, the NAPA in Carnation, St. Vincent De Paul in Carnation, Cascade Bank, North Bend Moose Lodge and their ladies’ pool team, Meadowbrook Clinic, the Carnation Barbershop, Highland Construction and the DOT AFSCME Union.

Signed the family and friends of Marta: the Connells, Ostergards, Wehmeyers, Vendettis and Schiessers