Does anyone need a llama?

Letter to the Editor.

I just want to thank everyone who donated items to the Alpine Days

Benefit Auction and all those who came and bought. The North Bend

Festival Committee raised almost $6,000 — most of which will go toward

funding the Alpine Days festival next year and sending our Snoqualmie Valley

Special Olympic athletes to out-of-town functions in their new jackets.

Thanks go to Snoqualmie Ridge Golf Course, the Salish Lodge &

Spa, David and Kate McKibben, Val-Pak and Rosebud River Ranch for their

extremely generous donations. Unfortunately we did not have a buyer for

the llama from the ranch on Saturday night, but if someone is interested

they could contact me evenings at (425) 888-2884.

Special thanks to Bob Rivers for hosting the live portion of the

auction. Bob always cheerfully donates his time at these things, telling funny

stories and anecdotes and generally keeping us entertained. However, he

and his wife Lisa also contribute by purchasing items at all the auctions

they attend _ Bob and Lisa, we salute you!

Our next Alpine Days meeting will be held on Monday, Jan. 17, at

7:30 p.m. at QFC’s new public meeting area at the front of the store. We

anticipate some big changes for next year and need everyone’s input and help. So

put that date on your calendar and plan to attend. Meanwhile, thank you,

North Bend, and all who participated in the auction. Have a wonderful

Christmas and New Year!

Sue Beauvais

NBFC Secretary