Couple supports county GMP update

Letter to the Editor.

We are writing to express our support for several issues being

addressed in the current update of King County’s Growth Management Plan.

First, we support the prohibition against allowing residences to be

built within the Forest Production District. These unique and irreplaceable

lands have been zoned for long-term commercial forestry activity, an

industry that provides jobs locally and also safeguards agricultural activity in

the Snoqualmie Valley by preventing runoff from flooding our low-lying

farms and fields. We believe areas zoned for specific economic activities, like

forestry, agriculture and industry, should be consistent in restricting the

practice of residential development in these areas. We urge the council to

make sure this issue is addressed in the final version of the plan.

Second, we believe that new high schools and middle schools should

not be built in the forest lands, but instead should be located near the children

in the urban and suburban areas where the number of new residences

and demand for infrastructure is increasing. To take children from their

neighborhoods and bus them out to the country to attend school just

doesn’t make sense.

Third, we believe that the proposed rezoning of properties adjacent to

the forest production area to one house per 20 acres is both appropriate and

necessary for the long-term protection of our environment and sustainability

of rural life in the Snoqualmie Valley. King County rural policies call for

this level of density, and it is time the county’s plan was brought into

compliance with its own policies.

Since 1995, cities in King County have been taking on greater density

to help keep rural areas rural. This is part of a comprehensive effort that also

includes incentives for rural property owners, such as allowing them to

receive cash compensation in exchange for not developing their rural lands.

We urge our King County councilmembers to adopt all of

these provisions, which will benefit all Valley residents over the long term.

Michael and Jane Stoccardo
