Couple responds to Tollgate quotes

Letter to the Editor.

My husband and I have been following the articles on the matter of Tollgate Farm. We would like to take quotes from various people who have expressed their opinions and respond to them individually.

Jim McKiernan, who is “on the fence:” “It will take a dedicated group of volunteers and a huge voter turn out to get this thing flying. Are we creating ‘East King County – home to the rich and famous,’ where people only have summer homes? With letters a little slow lately, I figure this might get things stirring a bit.”

Our response: And it did. There is a dedicated group of volunteers who have spent the past four months trying to get accurate information into the hands of the voters. In response to summer homes, doesn’t your son regularly write about your summer home in Blue Lake? Would you like the equivalent of Bellevue Square next to your retreat, with the hustle and bustle of, shall we say, Issaquah?

Dave Eifert who is “for:” “If left unchecked, we will have only prairies, forest and wet lands to view. What will we do if this happens? No longer will we be able to enjoy Taco Bell Express, Kinko’s or futons. Our very American way of life is at stake!”

Our response: We agree – would these new jobs pay an affordable living wage? There are many low-wage jobs in the community – some can’t be filled now because there are not enough people willing to work for these low wages.

Lisa Ronan who is “against:” ” … the levy is not being shared equally among all of the citizens of North Bend. … If you own a piece of property within city limits, but your primary residence is outside city limits, you cannot vote on this levy.”

Our response: It is important to know that the money raised to pay for bond information was donated by many. We know our friends will choose to pay their $2.35-$5.00 weekly to keep this particular piece of property from light-industrial, low-wage jobs. About your second point. Your landlord does have a voice, it’s you! You can register and vote yours or your landlord’s choice. We do pay King County tax, which means we are paying on the $5 million the county contributed toward this purchase.

James Ellis who is “for:” “Tollgate Farm will gain in public value over time … There are significant wild life corridors … Tollgate and Meadowbrook farms form an urban separator, providing open space, (and) flood storage.”

Our response: We live in the Circle River area adjacent to Tollgate, downstream on an outside elbow with no dike. We have had water 30 feet into our front yard during many floods in the late ’80s and early ’90s. It comes through my riverfront neighbor’s and crosses the street to reach our property. We stand in our driveway and look at a 5-foot osprey nest sitting on the river’s edge at Tollgate Farm. We would love for the city residents to own that nest. The alternative? To see a bulldozer plow it down to “pave paradise and put up a parking lot!”

Jane Koser who is “for:” “When did Issaquah lose its character, its ‘soul,’ if you will? I think it was when the airfield was developed into Pickering Place shopping mall.”

Our response: Are those livable wage jobs? Only the developer is “in the money.” The development plan for Tollgate Farm would add 4,000 cars to our roads with 2 exit ramp improvements and a middle turn lane on Route 202 into the parking lots. How do you as a taxpayer want to get bitten? By road improvement taxes or preservation taxes? The cost of development is high!

Bill Weber who is “against:” “The taxes will be passed onto … the elderly on fixed incomes.”

Our response: There is a form available through city and county that qualifies many fixed-income seniors to be exempt from taxes but still able to exercise their right to vote.

Joann Klacsen who is “for:” “Open space in general and Tollgate Farm in particular were rated No. 1 [to preserve] in the recent North Bend poll, North Bend comprehensive plan and our vision study adopted by Ordinance No. 842.”

Our response: Growth is slated to go towards Ken’s Truck Town paralleling I-90 and in the Snoqualmie Ridge with state Highway 18 access. Friends of Tollgate Farm are not against development. We have a willing seller (the Miller family), commitment from King Co. and TPL and grant money. The ball is in our court.

Larry Phillips who is “for:” “The Tollgate Farm is a vital link in an amazing environmental corridor connecting 1,200 acres of open space, forested wetlands and healthy wildlife habitat in the Valley.”

Our response: Have you seen the herd of elk between Meadowbrook and Tollgate? Our dental hygienist, who lives in the Ridge, stopped her car to show her small boys. I hope they will have that same chance to show their children.

D.C. Norrie who is “against:” ” … consider your ‘opportunity cost’ … (if) you took $10.81 and invested it every month for your child’s college education … you would have saved $5,019.64 after 20 years.”

Our response: We do save that for each of our children per week? We also give to our local church and meet our family’s needs by frequenting existing area businesses, all of which struggle to find people to fill their $7.35-$15.00 per hour jobs. We feel the rest of your figures are just plain false.

Our final comments: We encourage each of you to educate yourselves. It is not the responsibility of the newspaper to make sure an editorial is accurate. We also encourage you to separate any feelings you may have with the city on other issues from your decision on Proposition 1. Let’s determine our growth areas and park areas by our needs, our current road situation and our money. All of us are paying for any “luxuries” we choose to bring home. Let’s bring Tollgate home!

Leslie and Wayne Falcon

North Bend