County has fish-over-people mentality

Letter to the Editor

The “ReLeaf” tree-planting project along the Sammamish River is a

perfect example of our ongoing fish-over-people mentality.

For decades King County has owned a 50- to 100-foot trail

right-of-way on the west bank of the Sammamish River. It was

purchased for one purpose: to relieve the overcrowded east bank Sammamish

River Trail. The intention was to allow pedestrians on both sides of the

river, with cyclists on the east bank and equestrians on the west bank.

After reading that the “ReLeaf” tree planting includes the west

bank by the Redhook Brewery, I called the King County “ReLeaf” spokesman

to see whether the tree planters are remembering that a major

recreation trail is intended along the west bank and how much unplanted area will

be allocated for that trail.

The answer was 10 feet. Ten feet for people and 40- to 100-feet for

fish. It doesn’t take much imagination to visualize the problems with a

couple of pedestrians on a 10-foot trail with horses converging from both

directions and heavy brush and trees on one side and a steep river bank on the other.

Sammamish River Trail users should call King County

Executive Ron Sims and their council members to voice their concerns.

Maxine Keesling
