Candidate a friend to business

Letter to the Editor

North Bend council member Mark Sollitto has balanced the public’s stated desire to maintain a livable community with his vision of making North Bend a financially viable recreation destination for the Puget Sound region.

He has consistently been a friend to business, from demanding expedited permit processing for Twede’s Cafe to help them quickly rebuild after the arson fire, to writing ordinances to clean up the discrepancy between local building codes, giving them more flexibility for our historic buildings. He was instrumental in creating an interlocal agreement with King County Landmarks, thereby making available for our historic building owners reduced property taxes, low-cost rehabilitation loans and grant monies. His leadership in setting aside 385,000 square feet for business space in the Tollgate Farm will bring to North Bend over 1,800 career wage jobs.

When the water moratorium is lifted, North Bend will face a growth explosion unlike most cities have ever seen, and we need Mark’s experience and balanced approach to keep North Bend from turning into another Issaquah. Mark works tirelessly for the benefit of our community and always takes the time to listen to your concerns.

Mark Sollitto is a respected regional leader. His 25 years of budget and land use experience are irreplaceable assets in North Bend’s fight to secure water rights, continue the revitalization of our historic downtown and protect your tax dollars from going to special interests.

As chair of the Economic Development Commission, I urge you to vote for Mark Sollitto on Nov. 4.

For all this week’s signed Letters, please pick up a copy of the Valley Record