Business owner not aware of endorsement

Letter to the Editor

The race for mayor is on and Snoqualmie is fortunate to have three people willing to throw their hats in the ring. Running for office is a step well beyond what most of us are willing to pursue, into what is assuredly a thankless, tiresome and often contentious arena, not to mention the work that ensues if you win. I have the utmost admiration for anyone who undertakes this endeavor.

That being said, I find myself experiencing some consternation with regard to the complications of being asked (or not asked) for my personal and/or my store’s endorsement or declaration of support for political candidates.

I am flattered and dumbfounded as to why anyone would feel that our support would be an attribute to their campaign, and equally flattered and dumbfounded at the number of people who have noted that my name, my husband’s name and our store’s name have appeared on a list endorsing Greg Harrelson on his Web site and in an article in the Seattle Times.

You will notice that my name no longer appears on Mr. Harrelson’s Web site and I feel an explanation is in order. I asked that my name be removed, and it was done so in a very timely manner, though I wish I had been more timely in notifying Mr. Harrelson of my concern surrounding the inclusion of my name on his Web site.

I became aware that my name appeared after having conversations with the two other candidates a week or more ago. It took some time to sort out what had actually transpired. As I understand it, my name was listed on this Web site because it appears on the store’s business card that was given to Mr. Harrelson by my husband during an impromptu visit to our store. I was not present during their discussion, which primarily focused on the preservation of the Snoqualmie Police Department, nor when my husband was asked to and gave consent to place a mention of these shared concerns on Mr. Harrelson’s Web site.

Unfortunately, neither my husband nor Mr. Harrelson spoke with me regarding the inclusion of my name. Had I been asked, I would have respectfully declined to be included, as would also have been the case with the two other candidates running. This is not to say that I disagree with the concerns that Mr. Harrelson and, I think, most Snoqualmie residents and/or business owners have with regard to our police department.

If I had been more timely in notifying Mr. Harrelson, my name would probably not have appeared in the Times article where the reporter incorporated the names listed on Mr. Harrelson’s Web site in her story. In addition, we are not residents of the city and therefore are unable to vote in this election as our home is located in the city of North Bend.

Regardless, there are many important issues facing the city of Snoqualmie that we must all be focused on and the next mayor will certainly have their plate full. All three of you are to be applauded for your willingness to run in the face of these challenges. I wish you well.

Wendy Thomas

Owner of Carmichael’s

True Value Hardware
