Burner is a vote for change

Letter to the Editor

Doorbelling in Fall City for Darcy Burner for Congress has been good exercise and great for democracy.

People are speaking their minds. Many are voicing grave concerns about the consequences of the failed policies of the Bush administration and this Congress: the war in Iraq with no end in sight, the resurgence of the Taliban in Afghanistan, deep cuts in programs that help our most vulnerable citizens here at home, attempts to weaken Social Security, lack of affordable health care and tax breaks for the wealthiest corporations and individuals in this country.

It is time for a new direction. We have the unique opportunity to elect Darcy Burner to Congress. She is an articulate, new voice for change. Darcy listens to voters and is very well informed. As a bonus, Darcy and her family live in Carnation and she has a deep understanding of the issues that affect us in the Snoqualmie Valley.

Change begins at home – one person at a time. You can make a difference. Please exercise your right to vote in this election. Thank you.

Nancy Myhre

Fall City