Be `part of the solution’

Letter to the Editor

I would like to add a follow-up note to the recent notice in the

Valley Record by the city of North Bend regarding the vacancy on the North

Bend Planning Commission.

When I initially applied to join the Planning Commission, I had not

read the North Bend Comprehensive Plan, nor did I have experience in any

type of governmental commission or agency. What I brought to the

Planning Commission was my deep care and commitment for my

community, a willingness to “put my money

where my mouth is” and a strong desire to be “part of the solution” with

regard to our community’s growth, while striving to maintain the rural

character we all cherish.

I have the pleasure of working with a dynamic group of Planning

Commission members who bring a diversity to the commission with their

background and knowledge, some of whom include engineers (of various

types), local business owners, developers and concerned citizens like myself.

We need this diversity to bring balance to the work that the Planning

Commission accomplishes.

We also need a mix of citizens from within and without the

North Bend City limits. Since we currently have a majority of Planning

Commission members who reside outside the city limits, we are especially

looking for citizens residing within the city limits. Please consider joining us

to help make and recommend decisions that will govern our city’s growth.

Call the North Bend Community Services Department for further

information and an application. Please also feel free to call myself or other

commission members that you know to ask about our own experiences as

planning commissioners.

Michelle Gustafson

North Bend