Baseball’s bin berry berry good to me

A look at local sports through the eyes of a sports enthusiast.

They came in waves at the appointed hour, young men and

women with leather glove type things glued to their hands. Some carried

tapered metallic batons with names like Louisville Slugger. They looked

determined. A little nervous, maybe bubble gum popping.

“Next … Name? League? Age?”

“I’m here to play in the majors. The big guy with the stubble

behind me is my agent. He writes the checks.”

“You’ll be number twenty four,” said Lori at the desk.

“Twenty four is not my favorite number anymore,” she said.

“Head over there. Ronda will take care of you. Just don’t touch the

strings on the bibs. Rhonda has a blackbelt in bib-string tying.”

“Next …” and so it went. Tryouts for baseball and softball happened

last weekend without too many glitches. As I write, I am sure coaches are

calling players and getting practice schedules together. I have to thank all

the parents that gave up major portions of their weekend to get the season

started. A lot of credit goes to Warren Brown (President, SVLL) for all of his

efforts in getting the rest of us kicked into shape.

In just under three weeks, baseball will have opening day ceremonies.

My understanding is that Jason Fiorito (Homestead Valley Sand and

Gravel) will throw out the first pitch. Jason has been incredibly supportive of

youth athletics. Whenever we needed sand and gravel for fields, Homestead

has come though to answer the question of “Who Ya Gonna Call?”

This year’s cast of coaches and players look really good. Little

League really appreciates those that step up and volunteer to make it happen.

Special thanks also for the Mount Si High School Fast Pitch crew that put on

a great clinic. This could be a great year. The stove is hot and everybody has

a perfect record. What more is there to ask for besides peanuts, popcorn,

and opening day tickets?

Michael Lloyd is a local sports enthusiast and board

member of both the Snoqualmie Valley Youth Soccer Association and the

Sno-Valley Little League.