Assigned book offends parent

Letter to the Editor

My teenager attends Mount Si High. I am offended by a book

Craig Lesley assigned to be read in her language arts class, titled “The Sky


The book is filled with foul language, some sexual references

and murder. It is hard for me to believe that with all of the recent violence in

our schools that a teacher, a review committee, or a school, for that

matter, would want such a book to be read in school by ninth-grade students.

Why weren’t parents given an opportunity beforehand to know that

a book with questionable moral content was going to be assigned, so that

parents could review the book and decide if they wanted their teen to read

it. Most teens would not necessarily tell their parents about books they

are reading.

If kids are not allowed to cuss in school, why are they allowed to

read it in school? Doesn’t this send a mixed message? I have talked to both

the teacher and the principal and do not feel this issue is being handled

well. Another book to be assigned is “Siddhartha” by Hermann Hesse,

and it also has sexual references.

If you have any questions about the content in the books or want to

help make a change, you can call me at (425) 888-3471, or call the

principal at (425) 831-8100, or Scott Poirier (Director of Curriculum) at (425)


Cathy Rowe

North Bend