Actions should be accounted for

Letter to the Editor

Thank you David Cook for the detailed account of the July 29th public meeting and decision of the North Bend City Council. I find it appalling that three members of the council, Sollitto, Tavenner and Wittress, could be so arrogantly stupid as not to grant an easement release and sale of surplus city land.

I have heard all three say they want to do what is best for the community – really. But, when their constituents speak and the administration gives their opinion, they blatantly ignore everyone. That leads me to question their motivation. Had the Sherman’s, a.k.a. Valley Ghost, and Sollitto, campaign chairman, been the preferred buyers, how would the vote have gone? I am certain that the Westlakes, Garcia, Cook and Wyrschs are not the preferred business owners in their eyes. The City Council, driven by these three council members, have killed our housing, motel and restaurant goals.

I know of no city business owner who supports the coalition of Sollitto, Tavenner and Wittress. Their actions speak volumes for campaign promises forgotten. Under their leadership, North Bend is going no where.

Citizens of North Bend, please make these three council members accountable for their actions. After all, it is their responsibility to represent all of the citizens of North Bend. Destroying family goals and the city’s tax base should not be rewarded.

Sharon Wyrsch

North Bend