A job well done

Letter to the Editor

I would like to respond to Dick Zemp’s letter to the editor

(Valley Record, Oct. 21) regarding Jim Nyberg’s retirement from

the Weyerhaeuser Corporation.

I fully agree with Dick Zemp regarding Mr. Nyberg’s contribution

to the community. Jim Nyberg, along with Weyerhaeuser, should be

congratulated for their efforts instead of criticized. It seems Joanne

Klacson and Tim Noonan have a very negative attitude on most issues, especially

the development of Snoqualmie Ridge.

I feel Jim Nyberg did an outstanding job in helping develop

the Snoqualmie Ridge and PGA golf course, a huge undertaking to say

the least. We now have a first class community and industrial center

that Snoqualmie Valley can be proud of.

Again, thanks for a job well done, Jim.

Harry W. Buhler

North Bend