Wood River, River Ridge residents to battle Scotch Broom this Saturday

Neighbors of the Wood River and River Ridge communities in North Bend are done putting up with the noxious, invasive Scotch broom plant. They're gathering for a Scotch broom pull day this Saturday, June 14, removing it from the Tanner and Middle Fork areas. Neighbors and residents are welcome to join and help.

Neighbors of the Wood River and River Ridge communities in North Bend are done putting up with the noxious, invasive Scotch broom plant.

They’re gathering for a Scotch broom pull day this Saturday, June 14, removing it from the Tanner and Middle Fork areas. Neighbors and residents are welcome to join and help.

In Washington, Scotch broom is a Class B Noxious Weed. It’s invasive, highly flammable, a fire danger in the fall, and provides cover for predators that may harm people or pets. Originally introduced from Europe as an ornamental plant and for erosion control, it is highly aggressive and forms dense stands which reduce wildlife habitat and hinder natural vegetation and wetland regrowth.

The neighbors behind the weed pull want to get it now, before the end of June, before it goes to seed. Those seeds can last for 70 years and on mature shrubs, can be ejected up to 20 feet away.

To learn more about the Scotch broom pull, send an e-mail to Gary Fancher at gafancher@gmail.com

For more detail, refer to King County Noxious weed program: http://www.kingcounty.gov/environment/animalsAndPlants/noxious-weeds/weed-identification/scotch-broom.aspx

Scotch broom (Scot’s broom) identification and information – Cytisus scoparius