Winter Shelter opens in downtown Snoqualmie

The Snoqualmie Valley Winter Shelter, run by the Valley Renewal Center, is now operating at the Snoqualmie Valley United Methodist Church at 38701 S.E. River St., Snoqualmie.

The Snoqualmie Valley Winter Shelter, run by the Valley Renewal Center, is now operating at the Snoqualmie Valley United Methodist Church at 38701 S.E. River St., Snoqualmie. The shelter will operate at this site until mid-April.

The church shelter will hold up to 40 adults and will  have professional staff on location. Guests of the shelter will be screened for sex offender registration and are not allowed to bring in drugs, alcohol, or weapons. Guests must sign a consent form for staff to search their bags if staff suspect them of having prohibited items.

The shelter will run each night from 8:30 p.m. to 7:30 a.m. with a 10 p.m. curfew. For more information call (425) 505-0038 or send email to