Valley residents, students donate to help Encompass campaign

Valley residents, families and high-school students helped provide 130 families with food baskets and grocery gift cards during family support organization Encompass' food drive, held this past December.

Valley residents, families and high-school students helped provide 130 families with food baskets and grocery gift cards during family support organization Encompass’ food drive, held this past December.

“Encompass would like to thank the community for its very generous donations toward our December Respectful Giving Campaign,” said Stacey Cepeda, community activities manager for Encompass. “With your help we were able to provide 130 local families with food baskets, as well as grocery gift cards.”

Encompass was the recipient of several thousand pounds of food raised by the high school’s “Foodball” drive, as well as cash donations totaling more than $1,400. Mount Si High School students had a goal of reaching 30,000 pounds of food, which they exceeded by 5,000 for a grand total of 35,000 pounds. The school donated their food to three local organizations.

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