Twin Falls PTSA has trouble finding volunteers

Twin Falls Middle School's Parent Teacher Student Association has been having trouble finding enough volunteers to fill its officer positions.

Twin Falls Middle School’s Parent Teacher Student Association has been having trouble finding enough volunteers to fill its officer positions.

Only three of five positions on the group’s executive committee have been filled, according to its president, Xiomara Pilon.

Many qualified candidates have been unwilling to commit due to the economic recession, she said in an e-mail to the Snoqualmie Valley Record.

Middle school and high school PTSAs have a harder time finding volunteers than elementary school groups.

“There are parents that just drop out when their child get’s to middle school so our pool of candidates drastically shrinks,” Pilon said.

Twin Falls also just finished its first school year. The school does not have the community or tradition of parent involvement to rely on as do other secondary schools in the Valley.

Despite its infancy, the group had a significant affect on the school this year. It awarded $5,000 in grants to the school, helped support the school district’s bond and provided food for students during the Washington Assessment of Student Learning, in addition to organizing other activities.

The group is planning a back to school celebration in late August and a golf fundraiser in early October for TFMS and North Bend Elementary School.


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