Snoqualmie organization to work on homeless housing projects this summer

Snoqualmie-based HomeAid Puget Sound, focused on helping homeless people get back on their feet through partnerships with home builders and building and trade supporters, has announced volunteer "Builder Captains" for three projects set to begin in 2016.

Snoqualmie-based HomeAid Puget Sound, focused on helping homeless people get back on their feet through partnerships with home builders and building and trade supporters, has announced volunteer “Builder Captains” for three projects set to begin in 2016.

Derek Straight, president of Polygon Homes, will lead the expansion of Vision House’s Jacob’s Well community in Shoreline. The project will include construction of 10 additional two and three bedroom units serving homeless parents and their children.

Ron Boscula of Murray Franklyn Companies is the captain for major renovations of four town homes serving homeless families at Attain Housing’s Petter Court in Kirkland.

Malone’s Landscape Design | Build and TE Briggs Construction will spearhead the creation of the Season of Miracles Foundation’s therapeutic healing garden at Seattle Children’s, to start late summer.

Once the projects are completed, nonprofit social service partners own and operate the housing and provide programs and services.

HomeAid Puget Sound was established in 2014 to continue the work of the former Care Foundation. Learn more at