Snoqualmie middle school replacement bond fails by single vote

Snoqualmie Valley School District's $56 million bid to build a replacement middle school and perform repairs and upgrades at eight schools has failed—by what appears to be a single vote.

Snoqualmie Valley School District’s $56 million bid to build a replacement middle school and perform repairs and upgrades at eight schools has failed—by what appears to be a single vote.

With a final tally prior to certification early Wednesday, Feb. 23, the vote was 59.99 percent in favor, with 5972 “yes” votes and 3983 “no” votes.

Of the 9,980 votes received, 25 were discarded.

Bond boosters calculated that if a single “no” voter had switched their vote, the measure would have passed.

According to the King County Elections Department, a group of registered voters—a minimum of five including a chairperson—may petition within three business days of election certification for a recount. The group must pay a deposit of 25 cents per ballot for a hand recount, 15 cents for a machine recount. If the result changes, the cost of the recount is paid for by the county. If the result stays the same, the group must bear the entire cost of the recount.

Fire hall
Meanwhile, North Bend’s new fire station bonds were passing with 73.2 percent approval in the city and 62 percent approval in Fire District 38.