Snoqualmie goes all out for paperless bills

During 2014, the city of Snoqualmie has a goal to reduce the number of property owners receiving water utility bills in the mail by 33 percent and have them pay online instead. About 4,000 property owners receive water utility bills each month via US mail, equal to about 100 pounds of paper per month. If 33 percent of water customers switch to online payments, it would save 400 pounds of paper each year, one-fifth of a ton.

During 2014, the city of Snoqualmie has a goal to reduce the number of property owners receiving water utility bills in the mail by 33 percent and have them pay online instead.

About 4,000 property owners receive water utility bills each month via US mail, equal to about 100 pounds of paper per month. If 33 percent of water customers switch to online payments, it would save 400 pounds of paper each year, one-fifth of a ton.

A 33 percent decrease will also save $10,000 per year for the cost of paper, mailing services, and postage. That’s money in the city’s budget that could be spent on other citizen services.

Snoqualmie water customers can pay water utility bills through their online banking services or through UBPayments, a secure online bill payment service.

Using UBPayments, customers can make payments online using debit or credit, review bill details, track usage, update account information, and make service requests via e-mail.

To pay online, add “City of Snoqualmie” as a merchant/payee through an online banking service. Pay via UBPayments. See the “Where do I find” box at