Smile for the camera

Students in Jerry Maher’s morning physical education class checked their hair and practiced their smiles, as they filed toward the waiting camera.

Students in Jerry Maher’s morning physical education class checked their hair and practiced their smiles, as they filed toward the waiting camera.

It was school picture day at Snoqualmie Middle School last Wednesday, Sept. 9. Photographers snapped photos for ID cards, class photos and momentos for parents at most Valley schools this week and last week.

As photographers Kasey Peterson and Heather Bromberg of Kent-based Lifetouch studios coaxed the right poses from students, some teens tried their best to get their peers in front of the camera to laugh or break their composure.

Others offered advice on how to look their best.

“Look straight at the camera,” suggested Uyen Lam.

“Some kids don’t remember,” said eighth grade student Coleman Stoll, who said it’s best to avoid wearing ripped clothes to school on photo day. “I forgot until this morning.”

“They’ve been pretty good today,” Peterson said. “I think they practice their smiles.”